Who the Hell Do I Think I Am?
currently lives outside of New York City and enjoys cooking, cats, (not
cooking cats), Star Wars, and the the Oxford comma.
Primarily, though,
he enjoys taking a highly analytical look at popular culture and
dissecting it well past the point where normal people would stop having
This leads to some rather interesting places.
Content is primarily humorous in nature and should not be considered to be reflective of any employer or affiliate, and possibly not even my own.
What is PostCulture?
PostCulture is the terminology Dave developed to describe the fluid, evolving nature of globalized,
socially networked society in the time following Postmodernism.
Postmodernism was based out of reaction against Modernism, and
characterized by self-awareness, pathos, irony, and subtext,
Post-Postmodernism is a reaction to that.
When irony and subtle meaning is expected, but simplicity and
directness (be it genuine or duplicitous) is delivered, that is
Post-Postmodern. It's kind of the cultural equivalent to anti-comedy, like a lot of Gen-Z humor.
In coming to expect a hidden meaning in everything, Culture turns into PostCulture. It is no longer enough to appear
impressive, or smart, or sexy; one must now appear to be those things
in such a way that when others deconstruct one's airs and behaviors, they
appear natural and earnest, rather than artificial, petty, or — sin of
sins — not only disingenuous but obviously disingenuous.
are a nation of Hannibal Lechters and Patrick Batemans, but we are also
all Clarice Starlings. We build our own naratives while we see through
others'. We devote inordinate amounts of time
to strategizing and playing out our opponents' moves far in advance, to
the point that it becomes second nature. We expect this of others and it becomes normal. (God help us.)
has consequently affected every aspect of popular culture, from the
upswing in "gritty" reboots and a sudden resurgence of fairytale and
fantasy media, to the hip obsession with "authenticity."
Basically, it's the singularity of irony.
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